Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On the Road Again...

Just after 4AM on Saturday, we awoke, cleaned up a bit, dressed and hit the road for the airport.

As we reviewed our luggage, we were once again grateful to Barbara and Roland for hauling much of our heaviest and bulkiest gear in their car.

We arrived at the airport at the same time three buses of Navy Seabees pulled up. Apparently, they'd been in Biloxi for two weeks of training and were scattering to the four winds. We had several Seabees on our plane to Memphis and Max enjoyed listening to their stories.

Once in Memphis, Chelsea and I made a beeline for Starbucks. COFFEE! Chelsea kindly wrote the blog entry for Thursday as we waited to board our plane to Detroit.

Remarkably, our flights were on time and our travels without incident. Max's, Chelsea's and Emily's parents all came to the airport to meet them; they just couldn't wait another moment to see their young people. And who can blame them? They're all remarkable. And I am grateful to have had the opportunity to spend this past week with them.

In the days to come, we'll establish a time for our group - as well as a couple of other LOLers who went to the Gulf Coast over break - to share our photos and stories. Stay tuned!

Grace and Peace,

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