Random Reflections
Our day began with a quasi-committee of the whole, over breakfast, at round tables in the dining room. To my left was the Bishop of North Carolina who shared the story of how a pastor in his synod wrote a letter to his congregation, explaining how he felt about the Statement on Sexuality and the rostering of GLBT folks in committed relationships (which they refer to as, "publically accountable, lifelong, committed, monogamous relationship"). In his letter, the pastor explained, "If we make major changes, my parents will leave the church but if we don't make major changes, my children will leave the church." I suspect that's not an uncommon sentiment.
Sitting to my right was my classmate, Kari Toavs Parsons' uncle, Paul Tiedemann. I've heard about him for years but this was my first opportunity to meet him. Delightful! Of course, he worked for years at St. Paul Reformation with LOLer Anita Hill.
Good News from Newark
New Jersey Bishop Roy Riley told a wonderful story of how the last remaining ELCA congregation in Newark - New Jersey's largest city - came back to life through intentional outreach to Brazilian and Portuguese immigrants. I'll have to find a copy of his description because that simple statement doesn't convey the excitement that he shared. It was one of those stories that leaves one thinking, "It's a good time to be the church."
Question: With How Many Church Bodies is the ELCA in Full Communion?
As of this afternoon, the answer is six, as we entered into an agreement for full communion with the United Methodist Church. (In case you're wondering or have forgotten, the other 5 are: The United Church of Christ/Presbyterian Church USA/Reformed Church in America, The Episcopal Church and The Moravian Church.
I now feel even more strongly that my ecumenical theological education is a gift. I've worked with ALL of these folks (okay, and I've been confirmed in two of them!)...so to the person who once said to me, "You didn't go to a Lutheran seminary? Then, you don't have any colleagues"! Oh, contraire!
Old Home Week (aka LOLers in Lutheran Land)
Let's see...I've seen Dave Carlson (he says HI to everyone)...Kate Drefke...Patrick Lyon (just returned from Switzerland and heading to a wedding in Duluth...hm...I wonder whether Dave is presiding...)...We've heard from Professor Tim Wengert several times but I have yet to have a chance to introduce myself. Of course, George Watson is doing a great job of keeping us on task. George and everyone at GoodSoil are doing remarkable ministry. We have reason to be very proud.
Update on Tornado Damage at Central Lutheran
Funny how things happen. The tornado managed to uproot two old trees that the congregation had slated for removal. The assembly is offering two young trees that have adorned the stage at the convention center. Today's worship offering was a gift to Central...which Central shared with another Lutheran charitable organization.
Quote of the Day from Professor R. Guy Erwin
One of the great Reformation scholars of our generation, Guy was George Lindbeck's last PhD student and now runs the Segerhammar Center at CLU (could the world GET and smaller?). Guy was also my polity teacher. He's made a couple of wonderful statements before the assembly. During the discussion leading up to the vote on Full Communion with the Methodist Church, he spoke (I didn't know Guy was raised in the Methodist church!) eloquently as always. Here's the quote du jour: "My frineds tease me that I'm a professional Lutheran. (pause) It's NOT a very lucrative career."
Finally, Open Your Hymnals to "O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
Take note of the next to the last verse. Does this sound Lutheran or what?
Since we have only two minutes at the microphone, I had to edit down the three major points I want to make during the debate on the ministry proposals. Wait for it...
Tonight's plenary went until 6:30, Chelsea and I had a drink with Patrick, and then we went out to dinner with the SEMI Synod contingent. As we were walking back to the hotel, I realized: I have breakfast in the room. I can sleep until 7! HOORAY!!! (Honestly, I didn't do enough training for this project. It's EXHAUSTING!)
Peace, Shalom, Salaam,
Reflections on life and faith from Lord of Light Lutheran Campus Ministry, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
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