Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Churchwide Assembly: Day 1: Monday, August 17

Before I share about the assembly, I want to mention that Bishop Marsh's mother had a heart attack yesterday (August 16, the first anniversary of Bishop Schreiber's death - creepy coincidence). Please keep his family in your prayers. His mother is in Temecula with two sisters and a brother at her bedside. It's tough on Bishop Steve not to be there, as you can well imagine.

Opening Worship
As usual, wonderful. Bishop Hanson used the Easter II text (the disciples were in hiding for fear...Jesus pops in and says "peace be with you," breathes on them and says, "receive the Holy Spirit...")

He spoke a lot about fear. About our own fears. About how this week is not the "done deal" that the media have made it out to be. He encouraged us - with true Mark Hanson passion - to offer our fears up to God, to let God hold onto them, whatever they may be.

He also spoke movingly about New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's response to seeing 37,000 ELCA Youth raising their joyful voices in the SuperDome. He said he wished that everyone in New Orleans could experience the way that the youth transformed into life and joy a place that has been so strongly associated with death among the people of New Orleans.

One of the Communion hymns was "Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song," which was my ordination hymn...It always takes me right back to that moment...and then to the many things that have changed...the people who are no longer here...the challenges that have followed...this is for me a bit of a collision of numerous parts of my life...I'll try not to belabor that!

Session 1
There were some tense moments, some potentially contentious ones, but now and again people referred to Bishop Hanson's sermon...Of course, there are wide ranging opinions. One of the things that impresses me (as someone who is intimidated by getting up at a microphone in front of 1000+ people in order to express an opinion - stop laughing, y'all...) is that people have the courage of their convictions to stand up and to advocate for their positions. Some are incredibly articulate, while others stumble around in pools of passionate feeling that they struggle to convey. Then, of course, there are the people who really like to get up and did so at least two or three times during our first session! (No names!)

The success of the evening, for those of us who were concerned about a concerted effort to change the rules, was that the request for a 2/3 "supermajority" on the ministry recommendations was defeated. The "stair step" method - which would have allowed consideration of the 2nd recommendation only if the 1st passed, and so on through the four (I'm not sure I'm articulating that well). In any event, that motion was defeated as well. These are hopeful signs.

It's clear that GoodSoil is well organized and in good spirits. They received about 500 prayer shawls!! They provided us with mini agendas which are really nice as they tuck neatly into our nametags and serve as a quick reference (rather than hauling around those hulking binders!). GoodSoil is taking an approach they call, "Gracious engagement." There was a real shift at the last Assembly in Chicago and I think that the expanded sense of understanding and welcome has continued to grow across this church.

A Funny Moment
Someone moved that speakers be restricted from 3 minutes to 2. One fellow got up and said he opposed the measure because he felt it discriminated against pastors...

Another Challenge
Peter Pettit, who has his doctorate in Jewish studies and teaches at Muhlenberg College, has - along with a handful of other synods - put forth a resolution that is a distortion of the ELCA's established and active "Peace Not Walls" campaign designed to further the cause of Middle East Peace. It employs terms like, "Arab - Israeli - Palestinian..."

Many of you know that our synod has a companion relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and our delgation includes two Palestinian Americans who are a couple of the most gracious human beings I know. I'm certain they will be speaking powerfully to this resolution as will our own Chelsea Mathis (increasingly famous - she was on the cover of the Assembly News today and is likely to be interviewed by the NYTimes - the model young adult voting member of the Assembly). After a year in the Holy Land, which included accompanying the bishops who attended the Bishops' Academy in January, Chelsea has an intimate understanding of the reality on the ground - far greater than those of us who have spent 10 days at a time there...

Looking ahead...
Now that we have adopted the rules of procedure, we will move forward to address numerous issues. (God love Mark Hanson for showing such remarkable grace under pressure and good humor in chairing the meeting)

Of course, the assembly is streaming live on the web:
www.elca.org/assembly. I hope you'll have a chance to catch some of it live as it happens. It's really quite remarkable to be a fist time voting member...

Oh - and for those of you who enjoy a little ecclesiastical irony...sitting right ahead of me is Bishop Roy Riley (NJ Synod) and across the aisle and back a table? The Grand Canyon Synod delegation. I haven't seen the So Cal folks yet but Bob Rimbo's zipping around with his grandchild having a good time...There's something endearing about watching a man of his stature look so giddy pushing a stroller...

Well, it's 12:15 h ere...1:15 back in Michigan. Time to turn in for the night. We'll be back at it at 8AM. So much for my resolution to get up for "stretch and pray" with Bishop Finck!

Blessings to all! Please feel free to post comments, questions, etc. and I'll do my best to respond. (We're not supposed to have cell phones or blackberries on in the meeting hall...but pastors will be kids...)

Peace, Shalom, Salaam,
Pastor Sue

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