For those of you who aren't on Facebook, here are a few photos of our work in Port Arthur (in no particular order due to the limited technological knowledge of the blogger!):

Max and Ruth (from Iowa) measure sheetrock.

Caution: Pastor with prybar! Be gone with you, pink walls!

Karen earned a special place in Terry's heart by
organizing the contents of his trailer. The same
bucket that holds knives also contains band-aids!

Mary's dining room after gutting. The walls are solid pine,
what they call "ship lath." The lighter areas reveal termites'
favorite snack bars.

Max gets uncomfortably close to a live electrical line
while removing sheetrock from the kitchen. Don't worry,
though; he's an Eagle Scout! He'll be careful!

Karen taught us all how to float, tape and mud sheetrock!
She and Max did the windows!

Our group (plus Leon, minus Ruth) with Mary.

The Drill Brothers: Terry and Perry pose with power tools.

Casey & Karen look up from measuring and
cutting sheetrock for the bedroom.

We may not have raised the roof but we did raise the ceiling!
Hurry, Ruth! Our arms are getting tired!
(4' x 12' x 1/2" panels of sheetrock are heavy!)

The back of Mary's house.
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