From time to time, non-profit organizations are confronted by the dual challenges of encouraging regular giving among their constituents and requesting assistance in responding to emergency needs. This is one such time for Lutheran Campus Ministry.
For many months, we have been addressing the challenges of a leaky roof. Members of our Facilities Team – especially our “resident engineer,” Mark Mau - have spent an inordinate amount of time sealing leaks and doing their level best to keep our aging roof going well beyond its anticipated life expectancy. We had hoped to be able to maintain the current roof until we are in a position to undergo major renovation of the entire campus ministry center. Alas, that was not meant to be.
As if to reflect nature’s sense of humor, on Tuesday, April 1st, a portion of the ceiling in the bedroom of the caretaker’s apartment came a tumblin’ down. Thanks be to God, no one was physically injured (just a tad emotionally traumatized). A local roofing company was called in and the roof evaluated. The result? We can no longer wait to replace the roof.
Mark Mau did yeoman’s work, obtaining and evaluating estimates from several local roofing companies. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, the Board voted to transfer $30,000 from the endowment to cover the cost of the new roof. In addition, the Board directed that alumni and friends be asked to contribute to the cost of the new roof with funds raised to replenish those transferred from the endowment. Thus, with this newsletter we bring you not only news of Lutheran Campus Ministry and our regular request for support of the ministry’s programs but an additional request for financial support in order to off-set the cost of the purchase and installation of a new roof that could not be delayed.
We thank you for your ongoing commitment to ensuring that the ministry that has served the University community well for 91 years will continue to offer students a unique setting in which to integrate their Christian faith with their studies and vocational plans. We remain committed to being careful stewards of your financial gifts.
Yours in Gratitude,
Sue SprowlsCampus Pastor