Saturday, September 16, 2006

Festifall 2006

Puppy Evangelism!
Max does "the robot" with slap bracelets!

Kyle Hofmann joins in the fun!

Wow! Time flies! July and August have passed and we are now into the new academic year, which is off to a great start!

For the first time, we participated in the EMU “Fajita Fest” for new students on Labor Day. Good conversations took place between currently active and prospective students.

Rush LOL (lambda omega lambda) was our theme for this year's FestiFall, UM's annual all-campus student activities fair, was a splashing success. We gave away 250 slap bracelets emblazoned with "Lutheran Campus Ministry" and our website address ( as well as about 150 similarly designed maize and blue carabineers.

Board member Kyle Hofmann came out to lend a hand!

Sunday, September 10th found many new students at worship for our "Rush LOL" kickoff event. Once again, Tim Krohn is busy engaging everyone with musical inclinations in leadership of worship. At LoL/LCM, worship truly is "the work of the people."

The students have discovered a great use for the portable projector: They hook it up to the TV and project UM away games on the lounge wall! There is no end to their creativity! Today's event brought out about a dozen folks to watch Michigan trounce Notre Dame in South Bend. 3-0. Ann Arbor is a happy town tonight!


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